💜 Damn girl we have been through some shit in the last 48.8 years! We survived years of sexual abuse as a child and are so SO safe and healed today. Now we are an ally and advocate for sexual abuse survivors.
You made my babies! Two exquisite humans that we carried to term, birthed, and nursed. They are astonishing women today!
That mole on my belly that we’ve always had went bad this year. Stage one invasive melanoma. Scary. Now I have this lovely scar to remind me of how resilient and badass you are.
We’ve been through five surgeries together, epic weight gains, and less epic losses. Bouts of extreme exercising and times of depression that manifested as abject, physical neglect. And still, you support me.
We know what it feels like to have a partner absolutely obliterate our confidence and self-esteem AND what it feels like to be literally worshiped and pleasured beyond what we ever imagined possible.
You, my exquisite body, are a marvel and a wonder and I am deeply grateful for you. For every dimple and stretch mark. I am grateful for every freckle, roll, and squish. For the strength in my muscles, the curve of my mother breasts, the sparkle in my stunning eyes, the sassy curls of my untamed hair.
Thank you for being my body. I love you I love you I love you.

I love writing I mean I LOVE WRITING. It’s helped me regain agency over my dark stories and celebrate my growth and joy stories. Writing helps me self-heal and has given me a place to explore my creativity and keep my sanity! Working for Our Story and Starfish Connection gives me an opportunity to do what I love and give others a place to do the same in a supported community that we built for storytellers like me.